What is social comparison example

What is social comparison example

In an academic setting, some types of students may beUpward social comparison refers to comparing ourselves with others who are better than us on the comparison point.Comparisons are likelier to make us feel bad when we make the error of only comparing ourselves to paragonsof certain traits.According to social comparison theory, individuals determine their own social and personal worth based on how they measure up against others.Teens tend to focus on qualities such as perceived attractiveness and popularity when they engage in social comparison.

It describes a motivation held by individuals to evaluate ones opinions and abilities in comparison with others (kruglanski & mayseless, 1990).Olivia is a high school student who often spends a few hours in her backyard shooting a soccer ball at her homemade goal.Festinger (1954) proposes that people who engage in downwards social comparisons do so in order to maintain their self esteem and buffer their self evaluations.Social comparison is the process of evaluating oneself using comparisons to others.The fact that success and failure are defined purely in terms of social comparison judgments, which the subjects presumably make, is seldom mentioned.

In this case, observing your friend's poor skills actually makes you feel even better about your own abilities.Knowledge of performance knowledge of performance is the process of evaluating your performance irrespective of results.Assimilation if you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. desiderata2  a word from verywell

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